Dear Drama lover,
As October brings with it floods across the country, so does it herald the 'festival' season for Bombay theatre. The Nehru festival kicks off this week, to be followed next month by the Prithvi Theatre Fest and then Thespo in December.
In premiere's this month, Yatri present 'Baap Re Baap & Gaaj Foot Inch' at the Prithvi and Sathaye College Auditorium and AKvarious mark Akash Khurana's return to direction with All About My Mother. In other news, Poor Box are celebrating their tenth year with shows of Art, The Vagina Monologues and Shirley Valentine.
On the QTP front, we are choco-o-block in October. After opening our play to a rapturous applause, we present more shows of our brand new play Some Girl(s). Also Khatijabai of Karmali Terrace is back after 2 years. Project S.T.R.I.P. has been invited for the Ranga Shankara festival in November. Also this month, yours truly and Amruta Sant are off to different corners of the country to select the plays that will be a part of Thespo 11. Also this month, Thespo at Prithvi presents 2 Marathi plays from Thespo past with Baby and Dalan being showcased.
Here's what we are carrying in this month's edition of The Script.
Click on any of them or navigate your way through the links on the right.
Trivia Time: Two contrasting looks at what makes up theatre.
Khatijabai of Karmali Terrace: Back After 2 years.
QTP's New Play: All the details on Some Girl(s).
Thespo at Prithvi: Workshops and Plays in October.
Thespo 11: How you can get involved in India's most exciting theatre festival.
Great Texts: What are we going to read next month?
Point of View: Avinash D'Souza reviews QTP's 'Some Girl(s).
4 Corners: Dolly Thakore shares her experience on her trip to Bangalore.
AK's Various Thoughts: Travel plans, Kashmir Kashmir, Some Girl(s) and more thoughts from Akarsh's brain.
Up & Coming: Complete schedule of what to catch in September.
Great Stuff: Workshops, etc
Curtain Call: Arthur Gingold on working in theatre.
Thank You,
Yours Sincerely,
On Behalf of Q Theatre Productions,
Editor, The Script.