Thespo at Prithvi was started in 2007 to provide a more regular showcasing of the best youth theatre talent in the country. Thus every first Tuesday and Wednesday each month, the next generation of theatre wallahs stride across the hallowed Prithvi stage.
Thespo at Prithvi is also providing an opportunity for young theatre groups to showcase their short plays, as a pre show appetizer before the main show on each Thespo at Prithvi show day. If you have a play that you think can work in the outdoor areas of Prithvi Theatre, email us at thespo@gmail.com
Thespo at Prithvi in October
6th & 7th October
6th & 7th October
6th October, Tuesday:
2pm - Workshop: Improvisational Theatre with Adam Dow
Adam Dow has spent 12 years of working as a theatre professional in the United States. Now he brings his skills to teach young actors how to perform spontaneously using improvisation acting techniques based on cues/suggestions from the audience. The workshop will cover the important skills of teamwork, listening, character development, spontaneity, and storytelling. Improvised comedy forms the basis for popular American shows such as Saturday Night Live and Whose Line is it Anyway? On his first workshop in India, Adam said, “I am excited to be running this workshop with the Thespo group and I believe this workshop will be a lot of fun.”
6 & 9pm - Play: Baby (Marathi) is Vijay Tendulkar’s hard hitting story about abuse and degradation. The play is about a woman and her fight to struggle out of circumstances where she is literally treated like a ‘dog’. Preeti Rajwade’s Baby won her the Outstanding Actress Award at Thespo 8. The play returns to Prithvi for one day only, on Tuesday, October 6th at 6 pm and 9pm. Adam Dow has spent 12 years of working as a theatre professional in the United States. Now he brings his skills to teach young actors how to perform spontaneously using improvisation acting techniques based on cues/suggestions from the audience. The workshop will cover the important skills of teamwork, listening, character development, spontaneity, and storytelling. Improvised comedy forms the basis for popular American shows such as Saturday Night Live and Whose Line is it Anyway? On his first workshop in India, Adam said, “I am excited to be running this workshop with the Thespo group and I believe this workshop will be a lot of fun.”
Produced by: Utopian Communications
Directed by Pritesh Sodha aka Utopian
Cast: Preeti Rajwade, Prasad Modak, Mandar Chaphekar and Pritesh Sodha.
7th October, Wednesday
3pm - Workshop: Physical Theatre Workshop by Faezah Jalali.
A movement workshop focusing on the laban technique. Laban is a system and language for understanding, observing, describing and notating all forms of movement. Its function is to preserve dance movements, just as music notation preserves the order of the notes and other musical elements. The workshop will be conducted by Faezeh Jalali one of Bombay’s best known and most physical performers. She was recently seen in Tim Supple’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Dial 1888-India and Judith.
6 & 9pm - Play: Dalan (Marathi) is a hilarious comedy set in a small village in Maharashtra. A tyrannical school master arrives at his new posting and has to reckon with the antics of a lively bunch of school children. To make matters worse, the school master finds he is irresistibly attracted to the mother of one of the students. Adapted from a short story by D.M. Mirasdar, this is a wicked roller-coaster of a play that promises to be a laugh riot. At last year’s Thespo, Dalan won a slew of awards for Male Actor, New Writing and Outstanding Play.
Produced by Natak Company, Pune.

Directed by Nipun Dharmadhikari
Cast: Amey Wagh, Aalok Rajwade, Depti Bawiskar, Amruta Bhagwat, Saurabh Daftardar, Amol Gokhale.
Please Note:
Workshops – Prithvi House. Entry Free. Limited Seats!!! To register contact 9833956091, thespo@gmail.com
Plays – Prithvi Theatre. Tickets rates for plays: Rs 80/- only·
Schedule subject to change.