Clearly Shaw is a popular choice. The drawing room was packed to capacity and the play was well appreciated. There were quite a few chuckles during the reading and the pacing of the writing added to the overall enjoyment. In the post reading chat, many remarked at the relevance a play written in the 19th century still had to us and our society, particularly the existing gender politics.
In May we continue our journey with Shaw by reading Mrs. Warren's Profession - about a middle-aged woman whose Cambridge-educated daughter, Vivie, is horrified to discover that her mother's fortune was made managing high-class brothels.
The play was originally banned by the Lord Chamberlain (Britain's official theatre censor) because of its frank discussion and portrayal of prostitution, but was finally first performed on Sunday, January 5, 1902, at London's New Lyric Club with the distinguished actor-manager Harley Granville-Barker among the cast. (Members-only clubs have always been a device to avoid the eye of authority, but actors often also use it to invite their fellow-artists to a private showing of a play, usually on Sundays, when theatres are closed to the public.) The first public performance in London took place in 1925.
A performance in New York, this time on a public stage in 1905, was interrupted by the police who arrested the cast and crew, although it appears only the house manager of the theatre was actually charged. The play has been revived on Broadway five times since, most recently in 2010.
So come to an evening of playwriting and prostitution on 30th of May at 7:30pm at 18 Anukool, Sq. Ldr. Harminder Singh Marg, 7 Bungalows. Next to Daljit Gym. All are welcome. If you need directions call Varrun on 26392688 or 9930666332.