
Great Text Reading - Come read a play with us!

On the last Monday of every month people meet in Q's drawing room to read a play they may have heard of but not necessarily have read. Writer's come to see how the greats wrote, actors come to play multiple parts and theatre lovers come because it keeps them in touch with the art form. It is open all and everyone takes turns in playing characters from the play. Discussions ensue after over tea and biscuits.

In the month of May, we continued with the George Bernard Shaw theme and read 'Man and Superman' - a romantic comedy which tells the story of two rivals : John Tanner, a wealthy, politically-minded intellectual who values his freedom, and Ann Whitefield, a charming, scheming hypocritical young woman who wants Tanner as a husband. Once Tanner realizes that Miss Whitefield is hunting for a spouse (and that he is the only target), he attempts to flee from her, only to find out that his attraction to Ann is too overwhelming to escape.

Even in George Bernard Shaw's day, his epic drama Man and Superman was one hell of a challenge. When Man and Superman was staged in uncut form in 1915, the play lasted five hours. Man and Superman is in turn enthralling, exasperating, engaging, exhausting, and goodness knows how taxing. We left out Act III in our reading as it is a whole play in itself. The reading lasted us Three and a half hours, but with George Bernard Shaw's humor and wit, none of us realised how time passed. It was definitely an evening well spent.

In July, continuing with theme based readings, for the next 3 months we will be reading some funny plays. To start us off, we will be reading Woody Allen's (yes, he wrote plays as well!!!) 'God' - 'Neurotic playwright Hepatitis and reluctant leading man Diabetes ponder the implications of God's existence as they desperately search for a way to conclude their play.'

God, subtitled A Comedy in One Act, was first published in 1975, along with Death, and other short stories in Woody Allen's book Without Feathers. The play comes close to utter absurdity as ancient Greek masters have to argue with lonely Manhattan late night theatre visitors in a plot that seems to be falling into pieces every time Allen introduces a new character, which seems to have no relation to the creatures which have already appeared.

Woody Allen (born Allen Stewart Konigsberg; December 1, 1935) is an American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, jazz musician, author, and playwright. Allen's distinctive films, which run the gamut from dramas to screwball sex comedies. He also became a successful Broadway playwright and wrote Don't Drink the Water in 1966, which we also read as part of Great Texts in August 2006.
The next play Allen wrote that was produced on Broadway was Play It Again, Sam, which he also starred in. He has written several one-act plays, including 'Riverside Drive' and 'Old Saybrook' which both explore well-known Allen themes.

So come on the 25th of July at 7:30pm at 18 Anukool, Sq. Ldr. Harminder Singh Marg, 7 Bungalows. Next to Daljit Gym. All are welcome. If you need directions call Varrun on 26392688 or 9930666332.