Thespo at Prithvi was started in 2007 to provide a more regular showcasing of the best youth theatre talent in the country. Thus every first Tuesday and Wednesday each month, the next generation of theatre wallahs stride across the hallowed Prithvi stage.
Thespo at Prithvi is also providing an opportunity for young theatre groups to showcase their short plays, as a pre show appetizer before the main show on each Thespo at Prithvi show day. If you have a play that you think can work in the outdoor areas of Prithvi Theatre, email us at thespo@gmail.com
Thespo at Prithvi in September (1st & 2nd)
September saw the 2 session workshop 'In The Right Direction' being conducted for budding directors by Sameera Iyengar. ,The workshop saw an enthusiastic response from participants who were from varied professions including actors, directors and theatre enthusiasts from the field of film-making and advertising. Feedback on the workshop has been very positive and although numbers dwindled a little over the two days, the workshop seems to have lit a fire in the minds of the young directors.
In the main space, Le Chayim Theatre presented two plays which have made it to Thespo in the past, Damages and Confessions. The response was to the shows was overwhelming. Despite the long running times of the plays (especially Confessions), it was heartening to see the audience members glued intently.
A bit of magic happened during the 2nd show of Confessions. For all the details check out our Trivia Time section this month.
We all would like to thank all those who came for the show and sat through the power failure. Was truly a moment we all will cherish.
The October programme of Thespo at Prithvi is very exciting. Winner of all things Thespo X, Dalan returns to the Prithvi stage. Last year it had brought joy to the packed capacity crowd who attended and we are sure it will do the same again. Although in Marathi the play is easy to follow even if you are not familiar with the languages and the energising performances really make this a treat to watch. So catch it on 6th October at 6 & 9pm at Prithvi Theatre.